Pale Yellow Robin |
Bird Walk
Regent Bowerbird |
Twelve prospective visiting birders, including Diana and I,
enjoyed a pleasant stroll around the top paths at Mary Cairncross.
Unfortunately the lower path was closed for reasons unknown. The weather was
fine and mild albiet a little muggy. We saw and/or heard 27 species. The day
started well as three male Regent Bowerbirds foraged in the tree above us as we
were assembling and signing on prior to starting. From then on it was not a
particularly birdiferous morning as some of the key species kept out of sight
and hearing, such as the Paradise Riflebird, Noisy Pitta, Australian Logrunner
and Russet-tailed Thrush. We did hear a Rose-crowned Fruit-Dove and saw a
Wompoo Fruit-Dove sitting on its nest.
Eastern Whipbird without a tale to tell.... |
Mater nest builder? Wompoo Fruit dove |
White browed Scrubwren |
Everyone did enjoy being in the beautiful environment, the
birds that we did see and hear (the list follows), as well as a profusion of
fungi responding to the recent rain and a chance encounter with a Giant Barred
Frog. To finish we inspected the resident Carpet Python and enjoyed a coffee
(some had breakfast) in the café.
Giant barred Frog |
Carpet Python |
Editor's note - Birdlife Australia and Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve have been co-operating to have these bird walks operate with their bird themed displays. Many thanks to all who have volunteered to lead the walks; Maggie Overend, myself, Carolyn Scott, Robyn Combes, Paul Fraser, Russ Lamb, Steve Grainger and, of course, Eric Anderson.
- Ken Cross
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