Sunday 29 December 2019

2019 My Birding Year By Michael Dawson

Blsck necked Stork

Growing up I was always more interested in watching and enjoying nature. I would be in the outfield playing that boring game cricket and be more interested in watching the masked lapwings and its chicks.
Nankeen Night Heron

For many years I have watched the abundance of birds, using my trusty old slater field guide trying to quickly identify from memory.
Restless Flycatcher

This year I picked up a camera and gave the “Game” a go. I thought that I would be happy to reach 100 species, I reached it and realised I was enjoying myself, meeting some awesome fellow birders and exploring some birding areas I had never ventured into. So the count went on!
Cattle Egrets

Some of my highlights of the year are seeing a Green Pygmy Goose for the first time, doing a pelagic trip off Mooloolaba and seeing a Masked Booby. To add to my bird identifying skills has been a major bonus as well.
Latham's Snipe

Reaching a total of over 250 species has far outreached my expectations. Will I be back in the game next year?…… Let the birding bug  see where it takes me!
Welcome Swallow

Birding is good for the heart, good for the soul and mind, and seriously better than anything on tv!

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