Sunday, 30 August 2015

September Letter

Hi all,
September’s Saturday walk [Sept 5th] is the Tramway Heritage Walk near Buderim. The walk starts at the corner of Mons Rd & Telco Rd, 2 km west of Buderim town centre. From town, travel west along Burnett St, turn right into William St, and then turn right into Mons Rd. Travel along Mons Rd then turn left into Telco Rd. Car parking is available directly left upon entering Telco Rd. Cross to western side of the road and go down the zig-zag pathway that leads to the track.
WE will meet at 8am and complete the walk. The walk is approx. 2 kilometres in length however we have to walk out the same way [so obviously 4km in total].

There is an opportunity to also check out the Buderim forest Park after our walk where Pittas have been showing well.

I hope to see you on Saturday.

September [and October for that matter] is a big month for Birdlife Australia – especially for SE Queenslander.  The 2015 Queensland Twitchathon has been organised to take place, at your leisure sometime between the dates of 18 September - 28 September 2015. Details can be found at
This year all funds raised will be contributed to a project supporting the conservation of the Carpentarian Grasswren. I encourage all to participate however I would also like to propose that we contribute to the Twitchathon’s efforts in our October outing [Saturday 3rd] by having a dawn to dusk twitch.

My cunning plan involves starting at 7am at the state school in Mapleton. Teams [minimum 2 – maximum of 4] would be decided only then and each team would have to quickly plan and participate in a day long birding programme that would finish at Mapleton [Tavern?] at 6pm. Obviously the plan would involve visiting as many different sites between the range and the coasts as possible. [For your interest high tide at Toorbul is 2pm on the day. Participation fee for the day would be $20 per person with the funds going to the Grasswren project. There will be no prizes for winning our twitch but your name and photo will be immortalised on our blog!! Please email me asap to register your interest in participating.

If you have not signed a petition to help save Yandina Wetlands you can still do so at       or please consider writing to your local Sunshine Coast members.

On another matter I’m beginning to draft the outings for 2016. Please feel free to suggest sites for outings. The mid- week outings have been well attended and the plan is to extend them to every month in 2016 however I will need members to lead them. Please forward your name and local site if you would like to lead a mid-week walk.

Cheers now and thank you for reading this far……………
Ken Cross

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