Hovia acultifolia [J. Thompson] |
Another excellent turn out with some forty members and guests enjoying a pleasant hike through a mix of rainforest, wet schlerophyll and drier eucalypt forest and planned garden spaces. Just over fifty species recorded with the highlights being Rose crowned Fruit Dove , which afforded great views, a single call of a Noisy Pitta announcing its presence, great numbers of vocal Golden Whistlers, and an excellent range of common bush species.
Olive-backed Oriole [J. Thompson] |
I had visited the gardens before but was surprised, pleasantly, by the large amount of bush adjacent that had tracks working their way through. We could have explored much more than we did! In addition the prepared gardens had an interesting variety of sculptures and displays - many on a natural history theme. And some were especially designed for children. Many members - visiting for the first time expressed an interest to revisit with their [non-birding?] famililies.
to be continued....
Rose crowned Fruit-dove [K. Cross] |
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