to save Yandina Creek Wetlands
The Yandina Creek Wetlands, on
Queensland’s Sunshine coast, are nationally significant – and currently
under threat of draining for intensive agriculture use. At risk, is an
area of marvellous wetland habitat that supports over 150 birds species,
including Nationally-listed Australian Painted Snipe (Endangered), Curlew
Sandpiper (Migratory and Critically Endangered), Latham’s Snipe
(Migratory) and 10 other species of migratory shorebirds.
The Yandina Creek Wetland system includes three private properties totalling
about 200 hectares – located between River Road and Yandina-Coolum Road
in the Sunshine Coast suburb of Yandina Creek. Previously farmed for
sugar cane, the land has not been used for 10 years. Shallow water
created from years of unmanaged tidal flooding has seen the restoration
of a habitat that occurred widely in the area before development,
creating a rich abundance of birdlife and native vegetation.
Landholders have recently indicated their intention to drain this land to
make way for sugar cane farming. A nomination was made to Sunshine Coast
Council requesting acquisition of this land for conservation purposes.
Last week, despite BirdLife’s advice to the contrary, the Council
confirmed that it would not acquire the property due to a lack of significant
environmental values, without any formal assessment of the wetlands being
Evidence suggests
that drainage works may have already commenced.
We are calling on BirdLife Queensland supporters to add their voice to
the campaign to save this nationally significant wetland by contacting
the Mayor of Sunshine Coast Council, Cr Mark Jamieson, to raise your
You can send an email using this letter template
Contact on facebook or twitter @JamiesonMark @CouncilSCC using #YandinaWetlands
Or call Cr Jamieson directly on: (07) 5441 8242
BirdLife Australia has contacted both the Queensland and Federal
Governments and both appear eager to help protect the wetlands where they
can. Pending the outcome of these negotiations, it is now a matter
of urgency that the Council acts to prevent any drainage works on the
Help us take action today.
For more infromation please see Greg Robert's website; http://sunshinecoastbirds.blogspot.com.au/
