Birdlife Sunshine Coast 2015 is a special facebook page to encourage members to publish their bird pics for 2015. So you must have a facebook account to play.
It is a friendly competition that will award the member who publishes the greatest number of photos of recognisable Australian bird species.
The prize will be the respect of all other members.
The emphasis will be on quantity rather than quality. We just want people to get out and see and photograph our wonderful birds.
All bird pics must be taken in Australia during the year 2015. You may only publish one pic of any particular specie. When you publish a photo you describe it as 'Specie Number 1 - picture taken at Nambour garden [for example]. Comments are encouraged and the species ID should be the first comment made.
Best photos will be cross-posted on the blog.
any questions please email me asap!!
Ken Cross
Monday, 29 December 2014
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Dear friends,
As we approach Christmas it is appropriate that we celebrate
the things important to us; family, friends, [food] and, for birders at least,
And while I don't claim to be a Christian I am very keen to
wish the season's greetings to all, celebrate, count my blessings and be
To that end I'd like to offer a Prayer of thanks for birds
written by Michael Leunig, an Australian cartoonist and writer and thinker. [I
hope he does not mind my publishing his words here]
A prayer from Michael Leunig's A Common Prayer
Dear God,
We give thanks for birds. all types of birds.
Small birds and large birds.
Domestic fowl, migratory birds and birds of prey, hooting
birds, whistling birds, shrikes, coloured parrots and dark darting wrens.
Birds too numerous to mention.
We pray for them all.
We mourn the loss of certain species and pray for the
deliverance of endangered ones.
We pray, too, for farm birds, that they may be released from
cruelty and suffering.
We give thanks for eggs and feathers, for brave, cheerful
songs in the morning and the wonderful haunting, night prayers of owls,
mopokes, frogmouths and all nocturnal fowl.
We praise the character of birds, their constancy, their
desire for freedom, their flair for music and talent for flying.
May we always marvel at the ability to fly.
Especially we praise their disregard for their human
hierarchy and the ease with which they leave their droppings on the heads of
commoners or kings regardless.
Grant them fair weather, fresh food and abundant materials
for building their nests in spring.
Provide them too with perches and roosts with pleasant
Dear God, guide our thoughts to the joy and beauty of
Feathered angels.
May they always be above us.
Saturday, 6 December 2014
2015 Plans
2014 is fast flying to the end and it is time for a brief
reflection of 2014 and offer a quick glance to the future as it relates to
Birdlife Australia Sunshine Coast.
First thanks to all members support since I’ve taken over
the role of Branch convenor; it has been appreciated. Second thanks to all of
those people who have offered specific feedback to questions and requests and a
special thanks and a firm pat on the back of those people who helped organise
and lead walks, ‘man’ information booths, and spread the good word about Birds,
birding and bird conservation formally and informally. Third, thanks to John
Thompson and Vince Lee for photos of outings for the blog. [Speaking of the
blog if you have not already can you ‘Follow by Email’.] Special thanks must go
to John Malings who has been active in organisation behind the scenes – helping
planning, attending meetings and leading walks.
Next year my hope is that we can be slightly more ambitious;
creating a variety of outings, activities and events for members such that
knowledge about birds and wildlife can be learned and shared, encouraging the
general public to see and value our birds and perhaps try birding, and to
increase membership. Specifically we have continued with our regular monthly
Saturday outings – to some new locations as well as familiar favourites. We
have committed ourselves to ‘manning’ two displays at Maleny and Nambour. We
have introduced mid-week birding outings. Committed ourselves to the Birds in
Backyard promotions in October as well as making special plans to involve our
members in the Twitchathon, also planned for October [?]. Also planned,
is a weekend away in August to the Nanango / Kingaroy area for birding;
specific details are to be decided. Some members expressed an interest in talks
/ meetings and, while, there has been nothing planned as yet I’ll re-examine
this mid year.
Below is the current plan for 2015. Some of the events etc
lack detail – this will be provided in time. Also note that I will be away for
much of May and June as I will be birding in Europe. The 2015 plan has also
been attached as a word document so it can be printed separately more easily.
Bird Outings and Events – 2015
Saturday outing - 7 February
2015 - 7am - Kirbys
Road Environmental Reserve. – Leader/
s - Ken Cross and John
Mid-week outing – 18 February - 8 am - Maleny area; exact
meeting point to be advised – Leader - John Malings
Saturday outing - 7 March– 7 am
- Park Lakes, Bli Bli –
possible extensions to Maroochy Wetland Sanctuary - Leader/ s - Ken Cross and John Birbeck
Saturday outing - 4 April - 8 am Toorbul [and Bribie
Island] - Farewell to the Waders. Leader/
s - Ken Cross and John
Mid-week outing – 15 April - 8 am - Maroochydore Botanical Garden
- Leader - John Malings
Saturday outing – 2 May - (NEW) 7 am Thorne Road, Curramore,
(south of Maleny National Park) off Curramore Road - Leader/ s - Ken Cross and John Birbeck
PUBLIC DISPLAY - Maleny Wood Expo - Sat 2nd & Sun
3rd May 2015; 9am to 5pm
Beginners Bird Walk –
Ewan Maddock Dam - 8am Saturday 9 May – Leader – John Malings
Saturday outing – June 6 - 8am - (NEW) Tuan Environmental Reserve,
Chinaman Creek Road, Cambroon (north west of Maleny National Park) off Eastern
Mary River Road. – Leader
- John Birbeck
Mid-week outing – June 17 - 8 am - Park Lakes, Bli Bli /
Maroochydore Wetland Sanctuary - Leader - John Malings
Saturday outing - 4 July - 8am - (NEW) Beerburrum Forest
Reserve, 2 Pumicestone Passage off eastern end of Johnston Road Beerburrum - Leader/ s - Ken Cross and John Birbeck
PUBLIC DISPLAY - Nambour Garden Expo - Date/Time -
Friday - 10th July 2015
Saturday - 11th July 2015
Sunday - 12th July 2015
Beginners Bird Walk –
Wappa Dam - 8am - Saturday 18 July – Leader - Ken Cross
August Outing – 1 & 2
August - Weekend away to
Nanango / Kingaroy [accommodated or camping] - Leader - Ken Cross [Details to be announced]
Mid-week outing – 19
August - 8am - Lake
MacDonald - Noosa Botanical Gardens, and Jabiru Park/Fearnley Birdhide – Leader – Russ Lamb
Saturday outing - September 5 - 8am - (NEW) Buderim –
Palmwoods Heritage Trail Bushland Park, Telco Road, Mons. Leader/ s - Ken Cross and John Birbeck
October – encourage
Twitchathon participation instead of outing – idea of mini twitches?
[my idea here is to have a few
mini twitch leaders to organise a dawn to dusk itinerary and we deal [?]
interested birders between the teams. We choose a place for every team to
finish and meet up for fish n chips or similar. If folks want to keep going for
a few hours after dinner to get nocturnals – so be it. And fundraise for
Birdlife SE Queensland - $25 per head participation fee? - exact details to be
October - Backyard Bird Counts –
variety of Beginners Bird Walks – Third Weekend in October [Better publicised
attempt at outings as per last year]
Saturday outing - November 7 - 7am - (NEW) Triunia
Environmental Reserve (east of Triunia National Park), Carruthers Road, West Woombye. Leader/ s - Ken Cross and John Birbeck
Midweek outing – 18 November – 8am - Buderim Forest Park, Harry’s
Lane, Buderim - Leader - John Malings
Saturday outing – December 5 - 7am - Mary Cairns Cross & BBQ
Brunch - Leader - Ken Cross
Improving birding skills. Also new on the blog is a
page [look for the link on the right side of the Blog page] that is titled,
‘Birdingpals and Mentors’. My idea here is that experienced birders list their
contact details signalling their availability to take visitors and beginners
birding. For many beginning birders the outings with many people are perhaps
not the best place to go birding, learn and develop new skills. Outings are a
good opportunity, of course, to meet like-minded people, do a little birding
and socialise. ‘Proper’ birding is perhaps done best with smaller
numbers. And birding skills develop with repeated visits to the same ‘local
The idea then is that experienced birding mentors establish
an email group of self-identified beginners that can be organised quickly for
regular outings in their local area.
I encourage experienced birders to contact me to add their
names and details to our list. I also encourage beginning birders, in
particular those in the mentor’s area, to make contact.
Increased publicity through Facebook. Birdlife
Sunshine Coast 2015 is a special facebook page to encourage members to publish
their bird pics for 2015. It is a friendly competition that will award the
member who publishes the greatest number of photos of recognisable Australian
bird species. The prize will be the respect of all other members. The emphasis
will be on quantity rather than quality. We just want people to get out and see
and photograph our wonderful birds. Rules? All bird pics must be taken in Australia
during the year 2015. You may only publish one pic of any particular specie.
When you publish a photo you describe it as 'Specie Number X - picture taken at
xxxxx. When you publish a photo Facebook will recognise you as the
photographer. Comments are encouraged and the species ID should be the first
comment made. You must be a Facebook member to ‘play’. Photographers and
comments will be restricted to ‘members only’. In other words it is a closed
Facebook group.
In other news Birdlife South East Queensland has produced
[just in time for Christmas] an illustrated checklist of birds for SE
Queensland. Pictured below. The blurb for the book is
as follows; The Birds of South East Queensland book contains:
Photographs of all 336 endemic species recorded in South
East Queensland between 2008 and 2014
A comprehensive list of all recorded, vagrants, pelagics
and introduced
Tick boxes under each photograph and on the comprehensive
list at the back of the book
A list of special birding places around South East
Queendsland to assist you in finding species
30% of sales of the Birds of South East Queensland book
will go towards the protection of birds via the Important Bird Area (IBA)
I have a small number of booklets which members can pick up
from me for $10. They are, in my opinion, excellent for beginning birders and
young naturalists. Please contact me in response to this.
So there is much in this email and, as usual, any comments
or questions are welcomed.
Good birding
Ken Cross
Final Outing 2014 Report
On the 6th of December an optimistic group met at the Mapleton Lilyponds for the final outing of the 2014 year. Rain was expected. Clouds were already present but still they came....
The [optimistic] decision was made to bird the Mapleton Falls circuit. So we went.
Clouds were swelling in from the enveloped and invisible Mary Valley to the west. More than one looked nervously at the small phone screens, frowning at the approaching storms. Still we went.
Birding was quite good. At first. Many birds were identified by their calls from the fog. We got to the split in the track and divided. One group going one way, the other the other. Both groups, to varying degrees, looking like gorillas in the mist. But still they went.
The forest was beautiful. The birds reasonably generous. The views to the valley non existent. Still we went around the track. And the rain stayed away.
And it stayed away, as one could almost plan, until we were furtherest away from the start of the track as possible. And then it started, the first drip being felt on my generous expanse of forehead. So we walked. It rained. We marched fast and it poured. Some, myself included, didn't plan to bring an umbrella or raincoat although some did. Smart alecs!
The second phase of the morning [perhaps like the first phase] needed a Plan B. And it was one Bernie Collins who supplied it. Bernie had the key to the old school house and the bbq and the covered area behind it. So our group gathered there for a morning tea, sausage BBQ and bird call. Well, to be honest, an edited version of the group. Some still dripping and drenched folks decided, and I cannot deride this decision, to head home to a dry and warm house.
I had a fun morning.
And we recorded a few good species in and around the Lilyponds as well.
The [optimistic] decision was made to bird the Mapleton Falls circuit. So we went.
Clouds were swelling in from the enveloped and invisible Mary Valley to the west. More than one looked nervously at the small phone screens, frowning at the approaching storms. Still we went.
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Foggy Forest |
Birding was quite good. At first. Many birds were identified by their calls from the fog. We got to the split in the track and divided. One group going one way, the other the other. Both groups, to varying degrees, looking like gorillas in the mist. But still they went.
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Part of our group in glorious Black and White - pre rain smiles apparent. |
The forest was beautiful. The birds reasonably generous. The views to the valley non existent. Still we went around the track. And the rain stayed away.
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Little Shrike Thrush |
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Golden Whistler |
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Brown Cuckoo Dove |
And it stayed away, as one could almost plan, until we were furtherest away from the start of the track as possible. And then it started, the first drip being felt on my generous expanse of forehead. So we walked. It rained. We marched fast and it poured. Some, myself included, didn't plan to bring an umbrella or raincoat although some did. Smart alecs!
The second phase of the morning [perhaps like the first phase] needed a Plan B. And it was one Bernie Collins who supplied it. Bernie had the key to the old school house and the bbq and the covered area behind it. So our group gathered there for a morning tea, sausage BBQ and bird call. Well, to be honest, an edited version of the group. Some still dripping and drenched folks decided, and I cannot deride this decision, to head home to a dry and warm house.
I had a fun morning.
And we recorded a few good species in and around the Lilyponds as well.
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Common Black Ducks plus the slightly less common Buff-banded Rail
Thanks to John Thompson for all of the above photos.
Some members didn't make the last outing yesterday as they were on a Pelagic from Mooloolaba organised by Greg Roberts. The report of that outing can be found here; HTTP://TINYURL.COM/NMG24JG |
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Final Outing 2014!!
December 6th Mapleton area birding – meet at Mapleton Lily ponds at 7am. Turn west at the Mapleton Tavern and then take the next right. The Lily ponds can be seen on the right and there is a gravel road into a small car park. From here we will car pool down to Mapleton Falls NP and / or Gheerulla Falls Track. As this is our final birding outing for 2014 the suggestion is we bring a plate for a shared morning tea / brunch. Electric BBQ’s are available at the Lily ponds if anyone is interested in a more substantial brunch!
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Recently I recieved an email from a bird watcher in Buderim who was delighting in the visit of a family of Boobook Owls. The year prior she had an even more exciting visitor. Pictures below;
Pictures by Michelle Thatcher.
Pictures by Michelle Thatcher.
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
2015 Plans
Hi all,
I’m in the process of trying to establish a calendar of
events for our local group for 2015 and I would like as much feedback and ideas as possible. Please
read below carefully and consider responding to each point.
While I would like to continue our Saturday monthly outings for
members and guests I’d also like to expand the opportunities for birding for
members and potential new members of Birdlife Australia.
First – regarding
monthly outings; still to be held on the first Saturday of each month. Please
submit suggestions of possible locations for an outing plus the best time of
the year. As part of the outings I also plan to incorporate a camp out as an
option, a weekend away, a tag-along outing and, in October, participation in
the Twitchathon.
Second – Mid week monthly outings. Many Birdlife groups hold
mid-week outings. These, no doubt, are popular for retired members and some
visitors. Some sites are possibly better mid-week, free from weekend crowds.
Third – Bi-monthly meetings with guest speakers. I’d like to
know if members would welcome this addition and attend. I’m thinking of trying
for a week night, probably somewhere reasonably central in Nambour.
Four – Specially scheduled Beginning Birding walks /
outings. These would be run especially for beginning birders and would be led
by me or a delegate. They would emphasise basic birding skills and
identification. Members would be invited; if they self-identify as beginners,
to attend. WE would need to consider ways to encourage new people to try
birding. One opportunity is to meet people at our two display opportunities.
Fifth - Display
opportunities – We are committed to publicising birds, birding, and bird
conservation and, in particular, Birdlife Australia at two events listed below.
Please consider volunteering for a few hours at least one of the events.
Maleny Wood Expo - Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd May 2015; 9am to
Nambour Garden Expo - Date/Time - Friday - 10th July 2015
- Saturday
- 11th July 2015
- Sunday -
12th July 2015
Sixth – Fund Raising for Bird Conservation and / or to
support our local group. I’m yet to think this through too much however I would
like to copy an idea from another bird group; namely a minor raffle at each
outing and meeting / guest speaker. Raffles within membership don’t need
Publicity – I’m continuing with email and blog. In 2015 and
beyond greater attempts will be needed. Any suggestions, again, are welcome. I’m
toying with the idea of a Facebook page to cross promote the blog.
Cheers now and thanks for still reading,
Ken Cross - our Blog site. Please consider following
the blog by email.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
New Wetland at Yandina Creek, Sunshine Coast
Greg Roberts, a well known Sunshine Coast birder, blogger and conservationist, has discovered a new wetland at Yandina Creek. The wetland is extensive and has created excellent waterbird habitat for a number of threatened species. Lewins Rail, Spotless Crake, Little Grassbird, Black-necked Stork, Red-necked Avocets, Red-kneed Dotterel, Glossy Ibis, Latham's Snipe,Whiskered Terns and other species inhabit the wetland and adjacent grasslands. Sadly this area is threatened with development. Perhaps we can help. Below is a letter written by Greg Roberts to Sunshine Coast Council's Mayor Mark Jamieson. Please use the information to help lobby the Council to protect the area.
I would appreciate it if you could bring the attached blog post to the attention of Mayor Mark Jamieson:
I would appreciate it if you could bring the attached blog post to the attention of Mayor Mark Jamieson:
It is clear that an Yandina Creek,
there is an area of wetland and grassland that is arguably one of the most
important waterbird habitats in south-east Queensland. It is certainly the most
significant habitat of its kind on the Sunshine Coast. Until now, we were
unaware of the significance of this area. I have found that a species listed as
Threatened in Queensland, Lewin's Rail, is common there. There is an
extraordinary range of rare and uncommon bird species using this wetland as a
feeding or nesting refuge.
I had previously approached council
to purchase land in this area. Council declined to do so and its reply is
attached. However, at the time, I was unaware of the extent of the wetlands or
of the variety or nature of the birds to be found there.
I ask that you reconsider council's
decision not to purchase and manage this wetland before it is too late. Further
information can be found in the blog post.
For your information, this email is
being sent to many people around the Sunshine Coast who are concerned about
environment protection.
Greg Roberts
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Bird Week and Backyard Bird Count
Well Bird Week is at an end and I hope that everyone has, at least, had an opportunity to complete a twenty minute bird count.
From the perspective of the Sunshine Coast I'm optimistic that in future we can do more as a group to promote birds and birding, encourage members of the public to appreciate their backyard birds and perhaps try our hobby and ultimately add their voice to the chorus encouraging Bird Conservation and become members of Birdlife Australia.
Our efforts this year have been mixed.
On the positive side hopefully many people around the coast have completed bird count in their backyards. Many of my friends and collegues and students have assured me that they would complete their backyard surveys - with many 'looking to identify birds' for the first time!
School students at Mapleton State School [my kid's school] have been actively birding their grounds over the last week aided by the 'Backyard Birds of the Sunshine Coast' and the Z-cards [which has colour photographs of some 80 odd species of birds] - both published by Birdlife Australia - SE Qld, the latter also with the generous additional suppport of Sunshine Coast Council. Mapleton SS deserves praise for their participation in Bird Week but also their emphasis on outside play and environmental education. This from their Principal Jenny Clarke latest newsletter;
'In response to our growing concern about the lack of opportunities for children to experience nature, we have dedicated Thursday lunch breaks as a time for everyone to play down at Baxter Creek. The reward for the staff members who have volunteered to spend their lunch break at the Creek is to see the children having a wonderful time exploring the natural environment.
As this week is Bird Week, most of the classes have taken the time to spend a lesson bird watching. In half an hour, the Year 1s spotted or heard 20 birds in our school grounds. This activity promotes awareness of our environment, concentration, visual acuity, listening skills and the data collected can be used in a Math lesson.
The school has been successful in gaining a Sunshine Coast Regional Council Environmental Levy Grant to remove a patch of weeds in the bed of Baxter Creek. The work will be done during the growing season later in the summer. '
Simarly students at Kenilworth State Community College have been enjoying birding with many students eagerly bringing in their records from their own backyards.
Also on a positive we held several Bird Walks around the Sunshine Coast for folks to try birding. Special thanks to John Malings, Russ Lamb, Bernie Collins, Mike Haddrall and Robyn and Geoff Combes for hosting such walks. Summaries of the walks will appear as a separate feature.
A special thanks to John Malings who tried hard to publicise such events on our behalf though the media; even turning himself into a reluctant radio star in the event! I'm yet to hear from all however the attendance at these walks are best described as mixed. To some extent the poor attendance can be blamed on a very late publicty attempt [or very little or no publicity] caused by the very late arrival of publicity materials from our main Melbourne office. Hopefully in future this problem will be overcome.
Another disappointment was the lack of response from the majority of Schools on the Sunshine Coast. I emailed every administration of every state primary school on the coast advertising the Count however I receieved not a single response. Again, perhaps earlier, availability of publicity materials could have provided more advance warning.
In summary though I'm optimistic that the Bird Count can be used in future, to be an important event to encourage birding here on the Coast specifically and more generally everywhere in our nation and thus become an important fixed date in our calendar.
Comments are very welcome!!
From the perspective of the Sunshine Coast I'm optimistic that in future we can do more as a group to promote birds and birding, encourage members of the public to appreciate their backyard birds and perhaps try our hobby and ultimately add their voice to the chorus encouraging Bird Conservation and become members of Birdlife Australia.
Our efforts this year have been mixed.
On the positive side hopefully many people around the coast have completed bird count in their backyards. Many of my friends and collegues and students have assured me that they would complete their backyard surveys - with many 'looking to identify birds' for the first time!
School students at Mapleton State School [my kid's school] have been actively birding their grounds over the last week aided by the 'Backyard Birds of the Sunshine Coast' and the Z-cards [which has colour photographs of some 80 odd species of birds] - both published by Birdlife Australia - SE Qld, the latter also with the generous additional suppport of Sunshine Coast Council. Mapleton SS deserves praise for their participation in Bird Week but also their emphasis on outside play and environmental education. This from their Principal Jenny Clarke latest newsletter;
'In response to our growing concern about the lack of opportunities for children to experience nature, we have dedicated Thursday lunch breaks as a time for everyone to play down at Baxter Creek. The reward for the staff members who have volunteered to spend their lunch break at the Creek is to see the children having a wonderful time exploring the natural environment.
As this week is Bird Week, most of the classes have taken the time to spend a lesson bird watching. In half an hour, the Year 1s spotted or heard 20 birds in our school grounds. This activity promotes awareness of our environment, concentration, visual acuity, listening skills and the data collected can be used in a Math lesson.
The school has been successful in gaining a Sunshine Coast Regional Council Environmental Levy Grant to remove a patch of weeds in the bed of Baxter Creek. The work will be done during the growing season later in the summer. '
Simarly students at Kenilworth State Community College have been enjoying birding with many students eagerly bringing in their records from their own backyards.
Also on a positive we held several Bird Walks around the Sunshine Coast for folks to try birding. Special thanks to John Malings, Russ Lamb, Bernie Collins, Mike Haddrall and Robyn and Geoff Combes for hosting such walks. Summaries of the walks will appear as a separate feature.
A special thanks to John Malings who tried hard to publicise such events on our behalf though the media; even turning himself into a reluctant radio star in the event! I'm yet to hear from all however the attendance at these walks are best described as mixed. To some extent the poor attendance can be blamed on a very late publicty attempt [or very little or no publicity] caused by the very late arrival of publicity materials from our main Melbourne office. Hopefully in future this problem will be overcome.
Another disappointment was the lack of response from the majority of Schools on the Sunshine Coast. I emailed every administration of every state primary school on the coast advertising the Count however I receieved not a single response. Again, perhaps earlier, availability of publicity materials could have provided more advance warning.
In summary though I'm optimistic that the Bird Count can be used in future, to be an important event to encourage birding here on the Coast specifically and more generally everywhere in our nation and thus become an important fixed date in our calendar.
Comments are very welcome!!
November Outing
November 1st Charlie Moreland, Conondales.
Meet at 7am at the Charlie Moreland Day Use area for an exploration of some of surrounding Conondale Forest.
Earlier I advised and encouraged folks to stay and camp and to enjoy some spotlighting however it has been advised that the camping is now not possible;
From Parks Qld website -
Charlie Moreland camping area bookings restrictions.
Wed, 03 Sep 2014
Due to major campground redevelopments it has been necessary for restrictions to be placed on camp bookings through to 30 November 2014. Existing booking holders will be accommodated on site through to end September/October school holiday period. During this period alternative camping is available at nearby Booloumba Creek - Conondale NP, Peach Trees - Jimna SF, Amamoor Creek and Cedar Grove - Amamoor SF and Glastonbury Creek - Brooyar SF. QPWS appreciates your understanding on this matter. Affected parks: Conondale National Park; Imbil State Forest; Jimna State Forest.
So given the circumstances we must resort to just a morning outing.
RBA - Rare Bird Alert
Sorry for the delay in reporting this interesting record from Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary at Bli Bli by Birdlife member, Russ Lamb; Large-tailed Nightjar.
Russ describes his sighting;
Other good records and / or birds to look out for;
Black -necked Stork - I saw one adjacent to a small pond over the main road from the Park Lakes suburb in Bli Bli. [I've heard subsequently that it has been seen at Park Lakes proper.
Baillon's Crake - still easy to see at Park Lakes
Wandering Whistling Duck - Park Lakes
Summer migrants - White-throated Needletails are beginning to be seen. Koels, Channel-billed and Brush Cuckoos have all returned. Cicadabirds and Olive-backed Thrushes are all in good voice.
Russ describes his sighting;
I'd taken a visiting Dutch birder to Maroochy Wetlands hoping to see Lewin's
Rail, but didn't succeed (far too dry I think). As we were packing-up the
car (which was parked in the highest park , ie the first available as one
enters the carpark) we heard a loud unusual repetitive noise coming from the
clump of trees behind the car (ie from the NW corner of the carpark). As I
approached to investigate (I was thinking frog at the time!!) the bird emerged
at about head-height, flew straight over us, and into sancturary itself (ie
between the two buildings). Apart from recognizing it as a nightjar, we saw no
identifying marks, didn't get any white on throat or on wings, view was for
only about 5 seconds.
We then heard the
"chop chop chop" call coming from the trees behind the building,
which was when I recognized the call as Large-tailed. We checked the call
against the BOCA calls I have installed on my mobile, confirmed it as LTN, and
also then confirmed that the first repetitive call we had heard had also come
from the nightjar. We spotlighted the trees immediately behind the buildings
and path but couldn't locate the bird. It continued to "chop chop
chop" intermitingly, then was last heard further into the forest.
I've checked eBird and BirdData sightings for this species south
of Maryborough, results are:
1988 Cooloola NP (BQ outing)
2008 Noosa Heads
2009 Cooloola NP
2011 Rainbow Beach
2012 Inskip Point
2014 (May) Boonooroo
There don't appear to be any sightngs recorded from NSW so this
could be the southern-most sighting to date.
Regards, Russ Lamb
Other good records and / or birds to look out for;
Black -necked Stork - I saw one adjacent to a small pond over the main road from the Park Lakes suburb in Bli Bli. [I've heard subsequently that it has been seen at Park Lakes proper.
Baillon's Crake - still easy to see at Park Lakes
Wandering Whistling Duck - Park Lakes
Summer migrants - White-throated Needletails are beginning to be seen. Koels, Channel-billed and Brush Cuckoos have all returned. Cicadabirds and Olive-backed Thrushes are all in good voice.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
from Sunshine Coast Environmental Council
Dear Ken,
On Saturday November 1st, Earth Hour Australia in conjunction with the Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) are hosting a 'Climate Change - Communicating to Win' training workshop for residents of South-East Queensland - and we’d love you to join us.
The workshop follows on the the recent successful Sunshine Coast Climate Forum and Climate Relay and is a fantastic opportunity to meet people who are interested in taking action on climate change in the Sunshine Coast region.
You will learn how to:
simply and effectively about climate change - the problems, risks and solutions
your own local campaign
stakeholders and interest groups in your community
and mobilise the supporters and community members you need to build a powerful
movement for change.
When: Saturday
November 1st
Time: 10.00am -
Where: North Shore
Community Centre (Mudjimba)
Cost: Free (Lunch and resfreshements provided)
Cost: Free (Lunch and resfreshements provided)
hope to see you on the 1st!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Let's Twitch again....again.
December Sunshine Coast Pelagic
Well known Sunshine Coast birder Greg Roberts has recently returned from an enviable round-Australia-birding-trip and has quickly moved to organise a Pelagic Birding trip from Mooloolaba on Saturday December 6.
This is an excellent opportunity for local birders to see some new and fascinating species. Expected species over our summer include Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Flesh-footed Shearwater and Tahiti Petrel. Over a few years the Sunshine Coast has wracked up an impressive list of species and it is fair to say you could expect almost anything. The stand out record was the Stejneger's Petrel - a new bird for Australia - which was recorded in November, 2011.
Please contact Greg via email
The cost for the pelagic is $120 per person.
A search on Greg's blog - will reveal reports on the Sunshine Coast Pelagics thus far [just type 'Pelagic' into the site's search function].
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Let's Twitch Again...
This saturday begins Twitchathon weekend and it is NOT too late to participate and donate!!
Queensland Twitchathon 17-19 October 2014
Birds Queensland and BirdLife Southern Queensland Twitchathon will be held over the week-end of 17-19 October 2014. You can travel anywhere in QLD. See how many species of birds your team can find in the hours set out in your chosen category.
This is the major fundraising event for Birds Queensland and BirdLife Southern Queensland in 2014 and your team entry and your sponsors will assist us in raising funds for important avian conservation and research projects.
The Twitchathon aims to provide a fun, social, ethical and competitive birding event that encourages participants to research and explore Queensland’s diverse bird habitats.
The total prize pool is $1500 and prize amounts per category may vary depending on the number of individuals per team (see Rules and Conditions).
Registrations open 1 September 2014 and close 8pm Thursday 16 October 2014.
For full information see the following attachments below:
2014 Team Entry Form
2014 Rules and Conditions including prizes
2014 Sponsorship Form
This is the major fundraising event for Birds Queensland and BirdLife Southern Queensland in 2014 and your team entry and your sponsors will assist us in raising funds for important avian conservation and research projects.
The Twitchathon aims to provide a fun, social, ethical and competitive birding event that encourages participants to research and explore Queensland’s diverse bird habitats.
The total prize pool is $1500 and prize amounts per category may vary depending on the number of individuals per team (see Rules and Conditions).
Registrations open 1 September 2014 and close 8pm Thursday 16 October 2014.
For full information see the following attachments below:
2014 Team Entry Form
2014 Rules and Conditions including prizes
2014 Sponsorship Form
Twitch checklists
IOC Taxonomic Checklist – in excel with autocount set to electronically calculate
IOC Alphabetical Checklist – in excel with autocount set to electronically calculate
IOC Taxonomic and IOC Alphabetical checklist in pdf
IOC Taxonomic Checklist – in excel with autocount set to electronically calculate
IOC Alphabetical Checklist – in excel with autocount set to electronically calculate
IOC Taxonomic and IOC Alphabetical checklist in pdf
Start planning! Choose your category! Start a team! Get your sponsors! Do your recces!
Todd Burrows and Deborah Metters sit proudly with the Twitch Champions Trophy. Along with Judith Hoyle they are members of Off The Rails - the current Twitchathon Champions - recording 190 bird species during the 2013 Twitchathon.
A Paradise Parrot sits proudly atop the Queensland Twitch Champions trophy that recognises 23 years of a great Queensland birding tradition.
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